Sunday, September 12, 2010

It feels weird

Kim bap--"Korean sushi" (though I've heard it's very insulting to call it this) with pickled radish inside.

It feels weird to talk about what I've been doing in Korea so far--so please let these photos suffice.  

Just a little outside of my apartment--this is basically the view
from my window, minus three stories.

Check out that zoom lens! And this bird! I swear it was posing just for me. 

The Royal Tenenbaums' house on LSD? Or just a school for children?
These fish kept lining up to swim (unsuccessfully) against the current!
Possibly the most elegant solution to crossing the river I have ever seen. 
These tanks of seafood are outside every restaurant, it seems like--
there are ones with sharks, octopus, squid, mussels, clams...

Korea is an interesting and beautiful country. I feel the same way about it as I did NYC--sometimes it seems too contradictory to be true. Its architecture can be brilliant and modern or just corrugated metal sheets; the streets can be dirty and filled with people who looked like the just walked off the runway... So far, I've really enjoyed everything, though I know I would feel a lot differently if I were younger. Everyday has been surprising, especially in the details. Riding the bus is like surfing a roller coaster, and most of the time eating is like a new experience. I often can't identify what parts of which animal I'm eating, but it's been quite fun to try. 

Also, I should explain the name of the blog: Manan-ro is the name of the street I live on, where the partiez happen, baby! Ok, not really, but it's a perty cool place--I have my own washing machine under my sink!

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